Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More tips on Elluminate

Some other stuff that I have picked up at a sharing session in December 2010....

To show a movie in an Elluminate session, simply type in the URL of the movie in the chat box. Students can just click on the link and go watch the clip on their own laptops. Once students are done watching the movie, they can click on a smiley face or click on a "tick" to show that they are done with that activity. (Note smiley face disappears after a short while, so for greater permanence, it may be better to use a tick!) This way of getting students to view a clip would be faster than doing so via a webtour.

When slides are uploaded and shown on the whiteboard, the default is to "follow moderator". This means that the participants have no control over the slides. To enable students to review the slides on their own, the "follow moderator" box can be unchecked. Diito for webtour - unchecking the tour guide allows participants to explore web on their own.

To give participants moderator rights, say to enable/disable the tools allowed (chat box, mike,etc), simply select participant's name,do a right click and select "give moderator rights".

To share/show an existing file (like a word document or spreadsheet), this file needs to be opened up first. Next click on the icon - "application sharing" and select the document to be shared. This allows other participants to view what's in the file. However they are not able to do any editing. Alternatively, user can choose to share entire desk top. This will include sharing the document as well as the whole Elluminate interface. Students can do their work and use this function to show their work to the moderator and other participants,

To request for control over a participant's desk top, simply select participant's name and right click on request for desk top control. Or when an application is shared, another user can be given control over that application as well. (can edit, can bold etc) However, this is very dangerous to do, because when the other user saves the changes, he/she can access the desktop of the one who gave control! (Delete files, access other files etc :(

To ensure that material drawn on whiteboard is retained in the breakout room, a specially created breakout room needs to be used. Participants can be sent back to main room and then moderator can show slides created in the breakout room, so that all participants can share in the materials.

After an Elluminate session has been created, click on "send email" to request specific participants (e.g. external parties, from other schools etc.) to participate in the discussion. Even when Elluminate is in session, click on session tab to invite new participants. Cut and paste the link onto email and send it out to intended recipients.

One last thing, during breaktime, a PPT slide can be uploaded so that the whilteboard does not show a blank screen. Plus a timer can be used to make sure everyone gets back on time :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Google Translator

Another nifty tool for translating different languages into your preferred language. Simply copy and paste the URL over and the content will be translated say from Chinese to English. Or key into specific phrases and see what it means in English.


Easy Peasy Podcasting

Podcasts are useful for reflection purposes and also for interviewing others, and and then getting people to subscribe to regular updates or for downloading. Podcasts can be done easily using free software from Audacity, at http://www.audacity.sourceforge.net/

The audio file needs to be exported in the .wav format. Next we can post the podcast to http://www.posterous.com. This can be easily done by merely sending an email to post@posterous.com and voila! you have created your very own podcast. Note: there will be a return email with your own URL for the podcast :) Cool stuff !

Good for project teams to send their podcasts using to a common space using one email address.

Here are the samples created:


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Free photos

To get pics to enhance Powerpoint slides, we can go to

Flickr for those pics (Attribution licence with creative commons)

We just need to attribute using creator's name and cite source (URL). For example, for this pic ...

Trufas From Ana-Fuji

Real time Classroom interaction tool

For better classroom interaction, there is this new web-based tool that enables a group of people to share thoughts, ideas, brainstorm, share answers simulataneously. The best thing is that all can edit at the same time. But the downside is that only text is allowed. Each person's response is colour coded for ease of identification.

If pics/ videos are to be included, the way to get around this is to create a link to pic or video..

Go to
http://sync.in and create a new public note, and when the link's created, the group can be given the link. Best part is it is free and it is hassle-free as well. There is no need to create an account to access this service.

For reference, go to

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My journey continues...... Alpha Wolfram

Just learnt that there is this super smart search / computational engine which can make your searches more efficient.
You can get instant information on the GDP of US vs GDP of China, or stock price of Microsoft vs Apple with just ONE search, and not two separate searches on Google. Sources of information used are also provided in the information presented. However, information may not be the most updated available and information may not be available for all countries.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My furry friends on a blog

Ah... my hamsters at play...... in their home....
Uploaded on blip tv..